Reflecting on Your 2023: A guide on conducting a Year-in-Review

As another year comes to a close, it's the perfect time to reflect on various aspects of our lives and set intentions for the future. This year-in-review exercise provides a holistic view of your goals, vision, finances, health and wellness, business, and relationships. In this blog post, I’ll delve into areas of your life and business and explore how they contribute to your overall well-being and personal growth.


Your year in review.

This past year went by too quickly and if we don't take a moment now to fully soak in what we experienced, we'll continue to allow time to pass by without acknowledging our awesomeness. Let’s get started.

Start with self-reflection.

Reflect on the past year: Take some time to think about the events, experiences, and achievements of the past year. Consider both personal and professional aspects of your life.

Give yourself time here. Don’t go speeding through self-reflecting on the year. You’ve gone through a lot, you’ve done a lot. Soak it in.

Set aside dedicated time.

Schedule a specific time to conduct your year-in-review. This will help you focus and ensure that you give it the attention it deserves.

I usually book off a full day (when I’m out of office for the year) to do this. I know that’s a privilege in itself, but. I take this year-in-review very seriously. I don’t want the worst of my year to follow me into the next and I want the best of my year to compound in the next!

Figuring that out takes time and focus.

Hot tip: Take yourself out for a coffee or a nice lunch and do your review away from any familiar distractions.

Use a framework.

Utilize a guide or template, like my year-in-review guide, to help you organize your thoughts and reflections. This will provide a clear structure and make the process more efficient.

Using a framework makes it much easier for you to follow in a step-by-step fashion or get stuck thinking of where to start.

Review everything.

Look at all aspects of your life - I’m talking about goals, vision, finances, health, wellness, business, and relationships. This will give you a holistic view of your year and help identify areas for improvement.

I used to only review my business at the end of the year. It made me feel like one-half of my life wasn’t even being acknowledged.

Integrating both life + business in your review will also show you where one area may be affecting the other more than you anticipated. Analyze the data from all sides to make better, informed decisions for yourself moving forward!

Be honest with yourself.

Assess your successes and challenges without judgment. Be honest with yourself about what worked well and what didn't. This will not only help you make informed decisions for the future, but give you a space to be completely free of pressure.

I cannot express how important this step it. You are not a failure on ANY LEVEL.

Celebrate the shit out of yourself.

Take the time to acknowledge and celebrate your accomplishments, big or small. This will give you a boost of motivation and provide a positive outlook for the upcoming year. Celebrating yourself is non-negotiable. You’ve done so much.

Own it!

Set up a new vision.

This can be in the form of goals a plan or even a vision board. Based on your reflections, set these new goals or visions and create action plans for the next year. Explore what you want to achieve and how you can make it happen.

Then break those down into monthly and weekly to-do’s. Simplify, simplify, simplify.

Remember, a year-in-review is a personal process, so tailor it to your needs and preferences. It's an opportunity to learn, grow, and set yourself up for success in the future.