It’s time to stop second-guessing your every move and start putting those big plans into action…with the help of systems.

⚡️Simplify Your Systems is a self-paced online course experience for business owners who are ready to produce consistent results and confidentely run their business using systems that support their goals without the tech overwhelm.⚡️

To my fellow business owners…

It’s time to build a business structure that works for YOU - so you can organize your time, free yourself from grunt work and focus your energy on the parts of your life + business that *actually* light you up.

You’ve already created an incredible business that’s making an impact on your clients and customers.

Now it’s time to set your systems up to do the heavy lifting for you.

Simplify Your Systems provides you with the framework, understanding and high-touch support to maximize your time and ensure your business runs smoothly without your hands on the wheel.


Before we get into the nitty-gritty details, let’s define who this course is for… ⤵️

Simplify Your Systems is for high-achieving, community-driven people like you. 

You KNOW your business is improving and bringing joy to the lives of others but you’re exhausted from jumping between short-term solutions and ready to cut the overwhelm with clearly defined processes for your work.

If you are ⬇️

✔️ Self-employed individuals who need direction on what to prioritize so they don’t have to play every role in their business

✔️ Entrepreneurs who want to add new services or organize their business to scale but don’t have the time or understanding of how to get the “right work” done without working 60-hour work weeks

✔️ Coaches and consultants looking to create an incredible (and mostly automated) experience for their clients, team or students without having to use 50 different tools. 

✔️ Small business owners who are keen to define their team’s work and expectations while making sure their business makes money, progress towards their goals and doesn’t require their presence to succeed.

✔️ Managers, Directors and those in decision-making roles who want to streamline their work, organize their roles and be able to easily delegate and communicate project needs.

If you can relate to any of the above, you’ve come to the right place.


There’s nothing more exciting than diving headfirst into the business you’ve spent so long dreaming about.

When you left the 9-to-5 life years ago in search of soul-speaking work, you couldn’t wait to merge your passion with helping people improve their lives.


You got out your brand new journal, all set to plan the year and bust out some kick-ass content for your brand.

You signed up to just about every project management software and marketing tool tutorial to “increase your productivity” and “uplevel your business” (whatever that means).

But now you realize there’s kiiiiind of a problem here… 


Your business operates like a one-person show starring you - with props, makeup, stage direction and choreography done by you too. 

It’s highly dependent on you being there every day to make sure things run smoothly. You can’t seem to see past your endless to-do list and you’re stuck on what systems to implement for your unique business. Searching for documents you need becomes a major time-sucker because you still have files in your folder labeled ‘IMG_645_n’ or ‘Folder 1’. Am I right? 😉

So you’re forced to spend a large portion of your time working on niggly, repetitive tasks while your big-picture projects lurk around on the back burner. 

Which is extremely frustrating because you’re usually all about efficiency - you just don’t feel very efficient right now. 

Trust me…you’re not alone.


It’s not your expertise or skills that’s holding you back - it’s your lack of systems. Well, lack of understanding in systems.

(If your brain just shut off because tech talk is not your love language and you don’t find systems sexy, I don’t blame you - but I’m also hopeful that I can *maybe* change your mind) 

Simply put, systems are a group of things that work together to achieve a result the same way every time.  It’s the way you empty or load your dishwasher in a particular way or make your coffee or tea juuuust the way you like it. Or the method you use to create and publish content.

These are the systems we use to simplify our daily lives so we can focus our energy on tasks that are actually important. But here’s where heaps of people get tripped up with systems:

Digital tools are not the same as business systems. They are a part of a system, but not the driving force behind them.

Too many people confuse systems with digital tools.

They plunge into tutorials and demos without assessing what their business needs. Then, they spend their precious time learning a tool they heard someone else recommend and don’t use it fully because they realize it doesn’t work for their unique business.

Ultimately, they feel frustrated that they haven’t gotten results, give up on learning about systems (even though and go back to doing everything themselves.

Most business owners feel as though learning and implementing systems is too difficult because they start with a tool-first approach rather than a solid framework

And that’s okay. We don’t know what we don’t know.   

But deep down, you know your business could be better, more consistent, more meaningful and more sustainable. You just can’t see the path that leads you there. 

For your business to truly grow, you need to define how you work and organize the backend so you’re not burning out from recreating the wheel each time.


Simplify Your Systems

A self-paced online course with Live Q&As to help build your confidence in business ownership using systems without compromising your boundaries, results and freedom.

Client results

Client results

“Before learning how to organize my business, I didn’t commit the time to understand what systems did for my business. I did everything manually, diarised everything, and my own commitments were put on back burner. The SOPs I did have were only for a section of my business, not the entire business.

Now, everything is streamlined with the awareness that there’s always things to be improved - not set it and forget. This organization has crossed over to my personal life, too - processes with rental property are the same frameworks as business processes. I now have the awareness to take step back and say is ‘there a process for this I should be doing?’

I can acknowledge gaps and am a lot more organised and less overwhelmed at the thought of being away of the business. I’m also very clear on where things ‘live’ and how to future-proof my business!”
— Laura, M Developments

Simplify Your Systems is a fluff-free path to getting organized. 

It’s the A-HA moment of realizing that you don’t have to wear all the hats to be in control of your business.

You’ll learn to commit to your vision of success instead of reacting to every task that springs up. 

You’ll create the freedom you want by getting insanely intentional and building a business structure that’s tailored to you. 

In short, this course is a catalyst for getting your shit together.

Hi, I’m Jen. Online Business Strategist, planning nerd and your systems-savvy guide.

Like you, I thought I had to do it all on my own because that’s what running a business meant.

Over the last five years, I have helped over 600 small businesses master their social media and business strategies. But after my first year in business, I thought systems were expensive because of all of the tools they required.

The process of setting them up felt so overwhelmingly complex, most of the information out there went right over my head. I was weary of investing more time and energy to implement them because I thought they were better spent elsewhere (like trying to make more money).

And because I ignored my systems, they imploded on me.

I was overworked and I couldn’t scale or grow any aspect of my business because my time was accounted for. Learning from that year-long burnout helped me implement SIMPLE systems that not only felt manageable but showed me that I don’t have to be a part of every aspect of my business.

I could finally let go and enjoy my weekends and nights away from work, knowing the systems I’ve set up are powering on.

Now, I want the same for you.

I want you to be able to not feel the need to “check-in” and see how things are going. I want you to be present with the people and moments in your life instead of thinking about replying to that website inquiry or stressing out about how to tackle next week’s workload.


At the end of this journey, you’ll be able to…


✔️ Master a four-part systems framework that will allow you to focus on your zone of genius so you have more time for want-to’s instead of have-to’s.

✔️ Reclaim and redefine your time by creating your own time management system that blends both life + business naturally.

✔️ Set your big plans and projects into motion with a business organization system that is easy to manage, update and implement and find what you’re looking for.


✔️ Find your workflow sweet spot and identify stages of your work to template and automate.

✔️ Easily decide which digital tools to use to help you operate your business without feeling the overwhelm of options (and how to efficiently learn how to use them!)

✔️ Manage your projects and tasks with confidence by creating a project management system that works for your unique business and work style.



When you enroll for Simplify Your Systems, you get all of this…

✔️ 4 pre-recorded course modules - leaving room for implementation and feedback 

✔️ Live Weekly Q&A sessions with Jen where no question goes unanswered

✔️ Private community group because there’s nothing like having a supportive bunch of like-minded people to share your course work, ask questions and get feedback.

✔️ Module trainings, worksheets, video tutorials and exclusive resources and templates 

✔️ Accountability and support from me every step of the way making it impossible for you to fall off the wagon

✔️ Bonus! Small Business Toolkit: How to use social media to grow your business and manage your content in times of uncertainty

➡️ And here’s what we’ll cover each week

  • Week 1: Time management and building your perfect workweek

  • Week 2: Setting priorities and boundaries and building consistent habits in case shit hits the fan

  • Week 3: Creating departments within your business and creating a hub to organize the back end of your biz

  • Week 4: Filing, naming and defining key areas of your business that you want to organize

  • Week 5: Crafting your own process frameworks and workflows based on your unique work style 

  • Week 6: Implementation week + Process Post-It Party!

  • Week 7: Identifying the right tools for your business + how to incorporate them into your workflow

  • Week 8: Creating your project management plan to oversee multiple clients and projects at once with ease

  • Week 9: Managing all your work in ONE place to transform your work experience 


Systems are not the scary, complicated enigma they are made out to be. 

When you think of systems, your mind probably conjures up images of tech “gurus” in black tees spouting jargon at you as they clack away on their laptops. 

No? Just me?

The truth is understanding, building and implementing systems is way simpler than it seems. It’s sure as hell simpler than many of the things you already do in your professional capacity as a business owner.

Simplify Your System breaks down the big (and often misunderstood) world of systems into easily digestible nuggets so you’re actually stoked to work on your business.

This isn’t to say that there’s no work involved - but you won’t be pulling your hair out trying to wrap your head around the course content. 

You do not need to be a tech-whiz to take away value from this course. In fact, all you’ll need is a can-do attitude and a willingness to learn.

I can’t promise an overnight increase in revenue or a one-pager on Forbes magazine. 

But here’s what I can promise: If you ask questions and allow yourself to learn, you will have mastered the skill to systematize any part of your business or life. 

✔️ You'll start your day knowing exactly what work to prioritize (so you can smash your tasks and fully switch off at night). 

✔️ You’ll realign your focus to CEO work while your systems do the heavy lifting in the background. 

✔️ You'll follow through on those projects you’ve put on the back burner.

➡️ Even when shit feels hard. 

➡️ Even when the road ahead isn't crystal clear.

➡️ Even when (and especially when) the easy thing to do would be to ignore the drive, continue doing everything manually, and keep pretending that the “just fine” version of running your business is perfectly OK.



Some of my clients have paid over $10,000 for me to implement their systems and organize the back end of their business.

And within the first two hours of digging into their business, I built them a process good enough to make their investment back.


And for a fraction of the price, you’ll get:

✔️ 9 weeks of face-time with me to pick my brain with all your burning questions 

✔️ Value-packed modules, filled with real-world examples and life-time access to course materials

✔️ The know-how to figure shit out for yourself so you can spend your free time doing things that fill your cup.

✔️ Access to my workflow and SOP templates, video tutorials, a digital tools resource guide and more goodies that I use to implement systems in my own business.

Are you ready to finally say yes to confident leadership, exponential growth and creating consistency in your business?

Payment Plan

4 x payments of $275 USD

Pay in Full

$995 USD

This course is not just for the bright, peachy days, friend. It provides the guardrails that have your back when life unexpectedly unravels.

You can have the perfect *chef’s kiss* plan all ready to implement. But sometimes life happens and shit hits the fan. Maybe the kids get sick, maybe your Wifi decides it hates you. Or maybe you’re having one of those days where you can’t be f*cked to get out of bed.

I’ve been there one too many times.

I’ve learned time and time again that it’s important to have a Plan B (or C) for when life gets in the way of your big, bold plans.  

Which is why I’ve designed the frameworks in this course to fit into YOUR daily life, not the other way around. Because it’s easy to stay organized when life is going the way you want. 

And that’s the beauty of systems - it gives you space to take time off when you need to (or want to) while good stuff keeps chugging along in the background.

Let’s make this the year you Simplify Your Systems so you can go after what you want, step away from your business and take action towards greater impact.

Payment Plan

4 x payments of $275 USD

Pay in Full

$995 USD

Oh hey there, bottom-page ponderer. I’m not sure if anyone’s ever told you this but…

You should be *very* proud of yourself for building your business. You went out on a limb to seize your dreams and you’re putting in the work to keep it going. That shit takes courage. 

Your work matters and I know how crappy it feels when you can’t show up as a leader in your space and prioritize important work because you spent 20 hours thinking about creating a  lead magnet. 

And that’s why I’m so excited to share this course with you.  Yes, it’ll help you fine tune your processes, scale up your business and free up your time to do the things you love. But it’s so much more than that. 

You’ll have mastered the skill to systematize any part of your business or life. 

So no matter how your ideas change or business evolves (and it WILL evolve), you will be equipped with the knowledge to build a system that supports you in whichever direction you grow.

It’s your turn to call the shots. Hope to see you in class!

Jen xx


01. Can I join this course if I haven’t started my business?

I don’t recommend it unless you know what your business will be. A lot of what we cover is structure, systems and strategy - all of which are imperative at the beginning of your business journey and a general understanding of how you operate your business is needed.

02. Do you offer payment plans?

Yes! There is a 4-month payment plan available. If you need another option, please email me to discuss options.

03. What if I can’t make it to live Q&A sessions?

That’s ok! Every training and Q & A will be recorded and uploaded to the course resource vault. You have lifetime access to this as well.

04. Do you live teach the course?

The course is pre-recorded and modules are available the moment you enrol. Each week you will have access to me in a live Q & A session. There are accountability checkpoints for each module and plenty of opportunities to get feedback on your work inside our private community group.

05. When does the course start? And do I have lifetime access?

The course relaunches in November 2023. And YES, you will have lifetime access to the course.