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How to ease back into work after the holidays [+ free weekly planner template]

How to ease back into work after the holidays [+ free weekly planner template]

Coming back from a long holiday or break can feel a bit daunting, exciting and overwhelming all at once. Let’s not even talk about our inbox. As much as the first few weeks may feel a bit scattered-brained, there are a few tips I am sharing with you to help you ease into the new year and work schedule… without feeling exhausted before you even crack open your laptop.

How to set up CEO days to efficiently run your business [ + prioritize the most impactful work]

How to set up CEO days to efficiently run your business [ + prioritize the most impactful work]

If you don't know what they are, CEO days are scheduled days in your workweek that are dedicated to CEO work, aka, working ON your business. And let me tell you, being able to zoom out of your business and take time to strategize, plan and reflect helps you build a future for your biz.

The quick-and-dirty guide to creating visibility for your business + [FREE template]

The quick-and-dirty guide to creating visibility for your business + [FREE template]

Need clarity on where you should start to build awareness for your business online? My four-step visibility plan helps you figure out exactly where you should start, without feeling like you need to create a million pieces of content. Plus, there’s a free template waiting for you at the end to help you get started :)